1AmericaMall TM

Main Lobby Store
Checks & money orders only
For secure credit card orders please click HERE

Main Lobby Store
 SPECIAL! $68 for 1 Full Year!


Your Name

Email  (required)

URL (https://.....)

How did you find us? Thanks!

Select Mall Department: Where do you want your store to appear?

HEADLINE: (BOLD name of your store or offer). Maximum 40 characters.

Text: Please keep to 35 words maximum. Count the words carefully. Longer text won't be accepted.


I will email my own logo or graphic. (It should be in GIF or JPG format, maximum 170 x 120 pixels and not exceed 15K). After you place your order, we'll email you the instructions.

I have no graphic/logo available. (We will use appropriate graphic(s) from our graphic library.)

I will send a photograph or print of my logo/graphic by regular mail (together with my total payment). Scanning fee is $15.

Mark this field if you order two or more DIFFERENT STORES. Submit text for each store on the same form above. (Enter the text for Store#1, then type "Store#2", indicate category, enter text; type "Store#3", indicate category, etc., for each additional store - sample ) 50% off!! each additional Merchant Store. Note: first store is full price. (If you place the same STORE in more than one category don't mark this field. Use the field below.)

Mark this field if you order THE SAME STORE  in more than one category - 50% off!! Note: first ad is full price. Do not submit each ad separately. Just enter additional categories below. Select only from existing categories from the list above. (Do not invent your own categories, please.)


 Here you can write other instructions, if any:

I will mail my payment.  

Please copy or print the payment information:

Make your Check or Money Order payable to Now Intermedia Inc., and send to:

    Now Intermedia Inc.
    P.O. Box 420856
    Summerland Key, FL 33042-4805

IMPORTANT: Please include your email address in the memo field of your check.

You can submit your STORE(s) now, and send your payment within next 2 days. As soon as we receive your payment, your STORE will appear in a department(s) of your choice, at 1America Mall's MAIN LOBBY where the main thoroughfare traffic is.



Click on Submit button (only once)                                  Click on Reset to clear form



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Names used throughout 1America Mall site are trademarks of their respective companies.